
About Me

I'm Miguel, a product designer based in San Francisco with experience in user research, interaction and visual design. I've worked with startups to large companies and I’m always looking to connect.  Feel free to reach out to me.


What I’ve Learned

Great Design is About People

Design is a tool that transcends skill. It empowers people to reexamine their environments, habits and connections with others. To do great work, you must create for others — instead of for yourself. 

Collaboration Across Disciplines

Design is a team sport. I enjoy learning and working with inter-disciplinary teams with product managers, researchers, interaction designers, visual designers and front end developers. 

Build Fast and Test

Prototyping allows you to quickly test an idea and is a critical step in creating a human-centered product. It forces you to share your ideas rather than developing them in a vacuum. 

Continuous Learning

Complacency is a killer of growth. Pushing yourself past your comfort zone with new frameworks and methodologies. I take every opportunity to try something or learn something new.